Energy Inspired Art

Welcome to my website.

 My name is Tina, and I am learning to be a deliberate creator.

Since discovering The Law of Attraction, I have become aware that we are all responsible for our own happiness. Creating is my ‘Happy Place’, so I decided to spend any spare time doing things that bring me joy.

My interests are wide and varied which is reflected throughout my art. I love writing, painting, drawing, photography, jewellery making, aromatherapy, massage, sacred geometry, ancient history, music, theatre, walking, nature, gardening, meditation and so much more.

brushes, painter, work shop-3129361.jpg

The Law of Attraction

In 2020 I began studying The Law of Attraction and committed to a daily meditation practice. It soon became apparent that if I meditated before creating, different energy vibes would flow through me.
This exhilerated and excited me, as it felt like someone else was creating and expressing through me!
Was it my higher self?
Was I connecting to source?
Whatever it was, I wanted more! So I continued to create this way.

Eco Friendly Greetings Cards

In 2021, I opened my Etsy store (Artvibesbytina) selling greetings cards featuring my art on Eco-Friendly, tree free, plantable cards, embedded with seeds. I also added my LGBTQ+ and DEEPER MEANING range to my collection.

I feel extremely blessed every time someone chooses to buy one of my art cards to send love out into the world. What a privilege to be part of that process. This year I'm experimenting with different types of crafts as I continue creating new things to add to my Etsy store

Creating is my happy place.
I meditate & allow energies to flow through me.
What happens, happens x

In a blink of an eye I saw her, 
A strong beautiful survivor!

I saw her, without bruises or chains, 
Eyes and skin sparkle in moonlit rain,

Tumbling curls dishevelled and wild.
Curves and flesh her unruly style

Dancing to drum beats inside her own mind
Theres nothing to lose, so dont look behind!

Calling on universe, open and free..
In a blink of an eye ..
I saw the goddess in me.

Tina Prasad

Im enjoying experimenting with different types of paints, pencils and editing software. 

Im super excited about trying out new crafts this year and sharing some of my creations with you.

Below is just a few samples of my artwork… 

I never know what I am going to create. I meditate, relax and let the energy flow.  

I will be adding more pages and categorising with titles etc as soon as I can. 

Im thinking of starting a twitch channel to stream my energy art nights plus more so this will be something to look out for on social media.

Why not click on the icons below to take a look at my Facebook and Instagram Pages. 

There you can follow my progress, latest projects, contact me and more. 

Dont forget to like and follow.